Список рекомендованной литературы


Систематичность и этика

Balcombe, J. (2010). Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals. New York: Palgrave McMillan.

Bekoff, М., and Pierce, J. (2009). Wildjustice: The Moral Lives of Animals. Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press.

Hauser, M. D. (2006). Moral Minds: How Nature Designed our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Kazez, J. K. (2010). Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.

Психология bookap

Singer P. (1990). Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals. New York, NY: Avon.

Wynne, C. D. L. (2004). Do Animals Think? Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press.