Глава 22. Альберт Бандура и социально-когнитивная теория.

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Bandura A. (1974), Behavior theory and and the models of man. American Psychologist, 29, p. 864.

Bandura A., (1977), Social-learning theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bandura A., (1978 b), The self system in reciprocal determinism. American Psychologist № 3, p. 356-357.

Bandura A., (1986), Social foundations of thought and action: A Social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bandura A. (1989), Regulation of cognitive processes through perceived self-efficacy, DP № 25, p. 729.

Bandura A., (1991 a), Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action. In W. M. Kurtiness (Ed.) Handbook of moral behavior and development, Vol. 1 (pp. 45-103), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bandura A., (1991 b), Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 248-287.

Bandura A., (1994 a), Social cognitive theory and exercise control over HIV infection. NY: Plenum Press.

Bandura A., (1994 b), Social cognitive theory and mass communication. In J. Bryant & D. Zillmann (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (p. 62). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bandura A., (1995 a), Exercise of personal and collective efficacy in changing societes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bandura A., (1995 b), On rectifying conceptual ecumenism. In J. E.Maddux (Ed.). Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment (pp. 347-375), NY: Plenum Press.

Bandura A., Adams N. E., Hardy A. B, & Howells G. N., (1980) Test of the generality of self-efficacy theory. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 4, 39-66.

Chambliss C.A. & Murray E. J., (1979), Cognitive procedures for smoking reduction: Simptom attribution versus efficacy attribution. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 3, 91-9.

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