

Глава 5

Maslow, A. H. Our maligned animal nature. Jour. of Psychol, 1949, 28, 273-278.

Montagu, A. On Being Human. New York: Henry Schuman, Inc., 1950.

Rogers, C. R. Client-Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951, Chapter IV, "The Process of Therapy".

Глава 7

Gendlin, E. Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning (tentative title). Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press. (In Press) (Especially Chap.7)

Gendlin, E., and F.Zimring. The qualities or dimensions of experiencing and their change. Counseling Center Discussion Papers 1, #3, Oct. 1955. University of Chicago Counseling Center.

Kelly, G.A. The psychology of personal constructs. Vol. 1. New York: Norton, 1955.

Kirtner, W.L., and D.S.Cartwright. Success and failure in client-centered therapy as a function of initial in-therapy behavior. J. Consult. Psychol., 1958, 22, 329-333.

Lewis, M.К., С.R.Rogers, and John M.Shlien. Two cases of timelimited client-centered psychotherapy. In Burton, A. (Ed.). Case Studies of Counseling and Psychotherapy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1959, 309-352.

Mooney, R.L. The researcher himself. In Research for curriculum improvement. Nat'l Educ. Ass'n, 1957, Chap. 7.

Mooney, R.L. Problems in the development of research men. Educ. Research Bull., 30, 141 — 150.

Rogers, C.R. The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. J. Consult. Psychol., 1957, 21, 95-103.